UNCITRAL Transp UNCITRAL Rules on Transparency in Treaty-based Investor-State Arbitration (2013)
UNCITRAL Rules on Transparency in Treaty-based Investor-State Arbitration (2013)
- After consultation with the disputing parties, the arbitral tribunal may allow a person that is not a disputing party, and not a non-disputing Party to the treaty (“third person(s)”), to file a written submission with the arbitral tribunal regarding a matter within the scope of the dispute.
- A third person wishing to make a submission shall apply to the arbitral tribunal, and shall, in a concise written statement, which is in a language of the arbitration and complies with any page limits set by the arbitral tribunal:
(a) Describe the third person, including, where relevant, its membership and legal status (e.g., trade association or other non-governmental organization), its general objectives, the nature of its activities and any parent organization (including any organization that directly or indirectly controls the third person);
(b) Disclose any connection, direct or indirect, which the third person has with any disputing party;
(c) Provide information on any government, person or organization that has provided to the third person (i) any financial or other assistance in preparing the submission; or (ii) substantial assistance in either of the two years preceding the application by the third person under this article (e.g. funding around 20 per cent of its overall operations annually);
(d) Describe the nature of the interest that the third person has in the arbitration; and
(e) Identify the specific issues of fact or law in the arbitration that the third person wishes to address in its written submission.
- In determining whether to allow such a submission, the arbitral tribunal shall take into consideration, among other factors it determines to be relevant:
(a) Whether the third person has a significant interest in the arbitral proceedings; and
(b) The extent to which the submission would assist the arbitral tribunal in the determination of a factual or legal issue related to the arbitral proceedings by bringing a perspective, particular knowledge or insight that is different from that of the disputing parties.
- The submission filed by the third person shall:
(a) Be dated and signed by the person filing the submission on behalf of the third person;
(b) Be concise, and in no case longer than as authorized by the arbitral tribunal;
(c) Set out a precise statement of the third person’s position on issues; and
(d) Address only matters within the scope of the dispute.
- The arbitral tribunal shall ensure that any submission does not disrupt or unduly burden the arbitral proceedings, or unfairly prejudice any disputing party.
- The arbitral tribunal shall ensure that the disputing parties are given a reasonable opportunity to present their observations on any submission by the third person.
zu Schiedsverfahrensrecht
zu Art. 4 UNCITRAL Transp
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